Group Training Classes

From basic skills to fun sports to competition prep!

We have a group class to fit just about every need and desire.

From basic skills to fun sports to competition prep!


Saturdays @ 9:30am starting March 15


A word that every puppy and dog owner has heard countless times, but what is it really?

Aside from popular belief, meeting other people and dogs is only about 10% of early puppy socialization.

Focus on exposure, composure, and confidence building around the seemingly never ending sounds, sights, smells, and surfaces of our bustling society.

On top of typical puppy topics like housebreaking, crating, and exercise schedules we will set your pup up for success as they discover the world alongside you, setting a strong foundational bond that will last a lifetime!

For puppies up to 16 weeks!

Beginner Obedience
Wednesday & Saturday sessions now forming!

Join instructor Christine Siebert as she helps you conquer the basic skills in this 6 week course. A well behaved dog is a happy & pleasant dog to live with and enjoys walks and adventures with! The class focuses on skills such as sit, down, stay, walking on a loose leash, and coming when called. Heeling, as well as a variety of good canine manners (e.g., four on the floor when greeting people), are introduced. Emphasis is placed on helping the owner learn how to get their dog’s focus and establish the leadership and trust needed to be successful. Techniques and tips for eliminating common problem behaviors at home are also covered.

​This course is 6 weeks - $200

Contact Christine directly at [email protected] to register!

Novice Obedience

Wednesday & Saturday sessions now forming!

Continuing from the Beginner class, we begin working on distance control, distraction work, long stays w/ distraction & heelwork.

​This course is 6 weeks - $200

Contact Christine directly at [email protected] to register!

Scentwork Introduction

Wednesdays starting March 26 @ 1pm

Thursdays starting April 10 @ 7:15pm

Do you have a dog who is timid, lacking confidence or even fearful of its environment? Is your dog not good with other dogs? Or do you sometimes feel like the relationship with your dog seems disconnected at times? Perhaps you would like to do something with your dog but into the fast paced sports like agility...

Nosework is an amazing, easy paced discipline that ALL dogs (and people!) can enjoy. Working off a dogs amazing sense of smell, learn how to give your dog a great mental workout in any setting, including right at home.

This 5 week introductory course is designed for the dog and handler who are new to the Scent and Nose Work sports. It teams you & your dog to search for a specific target odor (Birch). K9 Scent & Nose Work Sport Groups use target odors (e.g. Birch, Anise, Clove, Cypress, etc.) to provide dogs with a sport for their natural scenting skills using a process based game that involves the dog and owner, builds on their ability to imprint on an odor, search/hunt for the odor, provide unique body language to inform the handler that they have scent recognition and ultimately find the source odor and communicate the find. It is a fantastic way to foster a rich engaged relationship with your dog. Scent and Nose work sports are virtually barrier free and are excellent for all dogs, e.g. high energy; cautious; physically challenged, etc.

One dog works at a time in the training ring!

This course is 5 weeks - $185

Scentwork II & III - the fun continues!

Thursdays @ 7:30pm - starting February 20

Designed for the dog and handler who have taken a prior UKC, AKC Scent or NACSW Nose work class and are confidently and enthusiastically searching for Birch target odor at a minimum in an interior setting.

This class will team you & your dog to search for Birch and Anise in a variety of interior stagings and elements ( containers, 3D, elevated hides, with accessible and inaccessible odor targeting and dive into the fine points of interpreting your dogs’ body language and scent theory to foster an engaged and resourceful team.

K9 Scent & Nose Work Sport Groups use target odors (e.g. Birch, Anise, Clove, Cypress, etc.) to provide dogs with a sport for their natural scenting skills using a process based game that involves the dog and owner, builds on their ability to imprint on an odor, search/hunt for the odor, provide unique body language to inform the handler that they have scent recognition and ultimately find the source odor and communicate the find. It is a fantastic way to foster a rich engaged relationship with your dog.

Scent and Nose work sports are virtually barrier free and are excellent for all dogs, e.g. high energy; cautious; physically challenged, etc.

One dog works at a time in the training ring.

Scentwork Master & Detective

Thursdays @ 6pm - starting Feb 20

This sessions Scent teams will have competed at the Master and/or Detective level (NW3 and higher) and seek to understand how to train and work at the Detective Level - how to work with an unknown # of hides, working for a longer duration (Nose Time), unlimited height hides, more complex odor movement due to changes in topography, vegetation, man-made structures, room air ventilation and internal building structures and canine partner changes in behavior (COB).

We will use these tools to build the dog’s working independence and accuracy and boost the joy and ensuing rewards in the upcoming Trial Season.

LEVEL 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 - Fridays & Saturdays

Start your Agility journey here!

Foundation Agility is the first of a number of classes to start you and your dog learning the basics of the sport. In the first level, you will learn the basic foundation skills, handling skills and obstacle discrimination as well as begin working on your dogs jumping skills.

These courses are 6 weeks - $200

Contact Christine directly at [email protected] to register!

Thursdays @ 6pm

Learn all about one of the most popular companion sports in the dog world today!

Instructor Chris Siebert will teach you all the basics of AKC Rally including how to perform each sign from Novice to Master!

This course is 5 weeks - $175

Contact Christine directly at [email protected] to register!


Thursdays @ 7:30pm
2nd & 4th Thursdays each month

Whether you are new to the sport of competitive Rally, brushing up to get your titled dog further, or just want to give your retired champion some 'ring time', this drop in is the perfect class! Curious as to what Rally even is? Come and check it out!

Contact Christine directly at [email protected] for more information.

This is a drop in class and pre-registration is not required.

New class begins March 1 @ 2pm

Barn Hunt is the new and quickly growing dog sport catching fire across the country! Barn Hunt is based on the traditional roles of many breeds in ridding farms, barns, crop storage areas, and homes of destructive vermin. Some breeds were specifically created to fill this role, and for many of those breeds, Barn Hunt provides their first true opportunity for responsible breeders to test proper working traits in their dogs. Barn Hunt is also open to any dog of any breed or mix who wishes to play the game and can fit through an 18" wide by bale-height tall tunnel. Barn Hunt can be played just for fun, but for those who are competitive, it also has titles, levels of increasing difficulty, and championships. Barn Hunt is an independent sport, but titles are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the United Kennel Club (UKC), and the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC).

At no time does the handler or dog come into contact or even see the pet rats that are used, so don't worry if you aren't a fan! Barn Hunt is committed to creating a safe and fun sport for dogs, that also holds rat care at the highest level of consideration.
The rats used in Barn Hunt are beloved family pets.
They jump eagerly into their safe, comfortable aerated tubes and truly enjoy interacting with the dogs.

We're a great sport for older dogs, and older people too! Tripod dogs can compete, and so can deaf dogs. We hope you try it, we think you'll like it!

This course is 5 weeks - $200

New Session begins in March

The hunting continues!
For dogs running at Open level and towards Senior.

We will work on indications, advanced tunnels and consistent hunting.

​This course is 6 weeks - $200


New Session begins in March

SENIORITIS! Its a big step from Open to Senior and many dogs struggle with the transition.

Dogs will work at staying motivated, being consistent and improving their efficiency at the Senior level.

​This course is 6 weeks - $200

New Session begins in March!

Congratulations, you made it to Masters! NOW WHAT?
We'll prepare both you and your dog for the big, scary step into Master,

where you will learn it's not that scary after all!

​This course is 6 weeks - $200

BARN HUNT Private Lessons
Email Heidi at [email protected] for more information

Need some practice before your next trial? Looking to move up to the next level? Just enjoy playing the sport w/ your dog in a non competitive environment? Privates are for you!

Not sure your dog will like Barn Hunt? Curious as to what the hype is all about? You want to sign up for this! Lets see if your dog might enjoy this fast growing sport! No experience or even knowledge is necessary.

30 minute Private - $40 for up to 2 dogs.

60 minute Private - $75 for up to 2 dogs. $10/each additional dog.

Introduction to Service Dog Training: Service Dog Basic Skills and Preparation
Thursdays @ 3:30pm FULL - watch for next session

This seven week Service Dog Training Class will work with a small group of individuals and their Service Dog candidates to build the skills needed to train their dogs to fulfill general good canine behaviors and craft the dogs abilities to learn and perform specific service tasks to assist their handler/owner.

The objective of the class is will be to provide the handlers with a sound baseline service training and facilitate their ability to continue working with their dogs and enhancing their service abilities to meet their respective service needs.

The specific tasks that a service dog performs depends highly upon its handler/owner.

Disabilities both visible and invisible are unique to an individual and the needs of service dog handlers can also change over time. Class participants will work both as a group to mimic social situations as well as one on one with the trainer to craft discrete service skills.

These skills will include: good leash walking, navigating public situations, handler engagement, proper sit, stand, wait and down behaviors in social settings and when using modes of travel , elevators, escalators, etc.

Skills may also include dependent upon handler service needs alerts to a medical issue, mobility and stability, anxiety taskings and/or the retrieval, delivery or carrying of objects.

Handlers will also be introduced to the Service dog training progress Log and learn how to evaluate their dogs and their own progress and how to work through potential setbacks or difficult skills while supporting their dogs progress.

We will also discuss the American Disabilities Act and what it covers and does not cover. All attendees will receive a wallet size ADA card which describes a Service dog Team’s rights and limitations under the ADA.